Our Vision
The Samuel F. Adelan Foundation envisions to become the prime catalyst of change and development through people empowerment.
Our Mission
In line with its vision to become a prime catalyst of change and development through people empowerment, the foundation commits itself to:
- Support students in their education through scholarship and aides especially those from marginalized and financially challenged families;
- Assist farmers and fisherfolks in order to make them productive and self-sufficient;
- Maintain various educational facilities like learning centers, theaters, libraries and others for the utilization of students professional and other knowledge seeking individuals;
- Unify efforts to support indigenous communities and to take the lead in preserving local culture and socio-cultural heritage;
- Elevate the standard of living of people in the community by way of initiating programs and projects on skills development and livelihood training;
- Lead in the recognition of students in their various endeavors especially those excelling in academics, leadership, journalism, arts, sports, volunteerism and in other related fields and disciplines.
Core Values
- Accountability The foundation submits itself to the highest principles of responsibility and responsiveness. It is committed to do its work with dedication and adherence to the laws of the land and of God.
- Determination It is committed to provide support to the communities it assists despite all the challenges it entails.
- Excellence The foundation will work with efficiency and effectiveness in order to ensure the quality and success of all its undertakings.
- Leadership It shall always take initiative in giving support to people especially those in need. It shall always work with integrity and adherence to moral standard and shall become a catalyst for change and development.
- Artistry The foundation shall always be creative. It shall exercise resourcefulness and ingenuity which will also become a model for all its stakeholders.
- Nurturance The foundation will always put premium in reaching out, helping and caring other people especially the marginalized sector and indigenous communities.