Samuel F. Adelan Foundation (SFAF): Pro-Bayanihan

sfaf bayanihan

The world stood still, countries closed their airports, and cities locked down when a pandemic started to spread affecting and even taking precious lives. The Novel Coronavirus began spreading in the country beginning mid- March of 2020 prompting President Rodrigo R. Duterte to declare General Community Quarantine on the 15th for the whole island of Luzon.

Due to the lockdown, stores were closed and transportation stopped. People were asked to stay at home for safety. Livelihood was affected. The situation became serious and pleas for help and food aid reverberated in the news reports.

The spirit of bayanihan came to life when people started sharing their time, talent and treasure to those whose livelihood were mostly affected by the quarantine. With a heart for the poor and the needy, Mr. Samuel F. Adelan, the president-founder and sole benefactor of the Samuel Adelan Foundation, reached out to some areas in Tumauini Isabela. Mr. Adelan gave food packs and cash assistance to the residents of his home town, Brgy. Sta. Vicitacion on April 02 and San Vicente on April 16, 2020 to ameliorate their situation.

Adelan advocates improving the lives of the poor hence his several projects which aim to help alleviate their family and living lot.

It has been three months since the declaration of the community quarantine. Despite the current situation, our fellow Filipinos remain stalwart in spirit and with the help of people such as Sir Sam, there will always be hope.

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